Monday, October 6, 2008

Photo Tag...

Cutie-pie Brooke tagged me in a blog game of "Random Photo"...I was asked to post the fourth picture in my fourth photo folder. Unfortunately, I haven't been doing this very long and don't have a ton of pictures so I used the third picture in my third photo folder. Here it goes......scroll down if you want to see three guys barefoot and shirtless roughing it in the wilderness.....

I know...a little anti-climactic...
Jett took his camera with him on a campout this past spring. These are some of his Deacon buddies from our ward in Mount Pleasant.
OK....I tag Melinda, Lew, Ali, Angela and Kristen


angela said...

That was a fun one! Thanks for the tag. We'll see what Jon has to say about it when he gets home. . .


Love ya!

Melinda said...

Thanks for the tag. I save my tags for days when I have writer's block. I don't quite understand the whole 4th folder thing. My pictures are randomly scattered all over my computer! I'll figure something out though.

Thanks for the comment the other day! I wrote a whole post in response. I don't always think of myself as a positive person, probably because I live with myself 24/7 and am aware of the negativity that floats around in my head. I'm glad to think that others see me as positive. I have never thought of you as being negative. I love your wit and humor! You need to blog more frequently because I love what you have to say!