

Welcome to Surf and Sweetgrass

Nothing makes me happier than taking something old and worn and turning it into something lovely and useful.
I believe learning something new keeps us young, so I am always looking for inspiration to live a happier, more purposeful life...
with less.

 Please feel free to contact me at linda@surfandsweetgrass.com.  
I would love to help you create something unique and beautiful in your home... and help you recognize the loveliness that already surrounds you there.

Want to know more about what makes my life go round?

On a perfect day, you will find me...
searching for treasures at the ReStore, taking a pilates or yoga class, painting something in my studio, eating delicious, southern food, reading a good book, relaxing on the beach and discovering inexpensive ways to look and feel my best. 

This is me and my main man....We've been married a long time :)
Many years ago he told me he needed to make a change in his career to provide us with a more secure future.  I believed him....
and here we are, finishing our sixth and final year of dental/endodontic school. 
Can I have an A-MEN?!!
(and yes, we were the same age as most of his classmate's parents..)

And here is my precious, almost-all-grown-up family....

They are all so handsome, if I don't say so myself :)

We get to live in this lovely place....

(a view of Shem Creek, Mount Pleasant, SC)

and we will forever be...
 loyal and true...
bleed that royal blue...

University of Kentucky Wildcat Fans!

(Thanks for giving a very untraditional {ok, old} student a spot in your 2008-2012 dental class.)

I hope you will find something inspiring and uplifting while you are here...

Enjoy your stay
share your thoughts
 and visit often.


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