I've been so busy these past several months...so now you get to suffer through a marathon of pictures and comments that will go on forever...sorry. Here are some of my favorite pictures and moments of 2009...Miller wins the Pinewood Derby for the Pioneer Ward
There were so many awesome, colorful cars...

Some of my favorite people of all time...
Brigham Cook (The Master of Scoutmasters!), Drew Millar (Lawyer..every Pinewood Derby needs one!), Grant Peterson (old Bishop), Todd Hjorth (new Bishop).In July, Weston Keith Whitten turned 12 and received the Aaronic Priesthood. Such handsome boys...I love them.
Jett (13), Miller (10) and Weston Keith (12)
In August, my friend, Patty, put on another BEAUTIFUL wedding..this time for her daughter, Danielle. The wedding and reception were held in the Charleston, WV State Capitol Building and she turned a hallway into this magnificent gathering place.

This was the table she cleverly set up for the children in the family and wedding party. Their own little place to eat and keep busy.

In September, Miller and I headed to Charlotte for our first trip to watch Zach play football. It was warm and it was fun to have some one-on-one time with the Baby.

I really look like a bug...
Some shots of the North Mecklenburg Vikings...ZeeBee is #33

After the game, Miller, Zach and I drove to Virginia and spent time with Aunt Kelly at the Samples' Family Farm. This was my favorite place to visit this year...so peaceful and rustic...always so much love and good food.

The Farmhouse...love the laundry drying in the sunshine.

A view of the land....

Wouldn't be a real farm without a tire swing....

....or some 4-wheelin'....
(Oliver-17 and Jett-13)

Daisy (8), Journey (5), and Zach hitchin' a ride on the farm limo...

Wilbur the pig eatin' s0me home-grown, rotten peaches...
Wilbur has since passed on...they ate him for Christmas :'(

(Jett, Zach, Ryanne, Oliver, Weston and Journey)
Journey is quite the sassy one!

Daisy and Ryanne
The wind grew cold and the leaves fell, ushering in Halloween. For our church Trunk or Treat, Rob was MIA (studying) so Weston stepped up and decorated our "trunk" for the party...all on his own. I was very impressed.

A few of my favorite Nursery kids...

Bentley and Paisley


Zach and his mom, Katrina.

My friend, Suzie, bringing the 80's back...Hot.

The Schultz Family...Mary Poppins and the Chimney Sweep!
Great costumes!

Weston, Jett and Miller...So glad they'll still dress up.
Can't wait for next year!