A few months ago, Weston put on some new pants we purchased from the Gap Clearance Center (before I washed them) and headed to church. During Sacrament meeting I noticed he kept scratching his arms, his stomach, his sides......to be honest, it was annoying. Of course I asked him to stop scratching...to sit still....and he did try. I just figured he was extra fidgety that morning.
When we got home, I noticed he was STILL scratching so I told him to take off his shirt and we took a look.
He was COVERED in huge hives all over his torso and arms. We made him strip down further and the gigantuous HIVES were on his thighs, too. I felt so bad....
After eliminating any unsual foods or new soaps, we decided the cause for this freakish rash HAD to be those new, unwashed pants from the Gap Center. We bought Benadryl and cortosone cream and checked his tongue every 30 minutes for swelling. The rash kind of came and went throughout the night until about 4:00 am when Weston came down to our room and collapsed at our door. Weston was delirious but could tell us he didn't feel right so we got him dressed and took him to UK hospital. By the time we got there, his rash had almost completely disappeared (of course). They took his temp, checked him out and decided to admit him for observation.
They gave him some more benadryl and we sat.
About 30 minutes later, Weston's lips and face started swelling up and the freakish rash came back, worse than ever. They decided to give him an Epi shot and within another 30 minutes he was good as new. I have never seen anything like it..... Here is Weston right after the Epi shot....freakish rash just starting to settle down.

Sorry Weston....these photos could be valuable to me as you get older....